Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality Assurance is a set of activities and procedures involving planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting, and quality improvement implemented to ensure that the education and training meet the quality requirements expected by stakeholders. QA is focused on the content of programs, curricula, assessment of learning outcomes. QA contributes to better matching of education and training and expands its impact in the short, medium and long - term. In the higher education, the concept of the provision the quality has become a legal obligation and is now implemented by all higher education institution in Albania. Quality is evaluated and monitored by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (ASCAL) and the Accreditation Board. (www.ascal.al)
These two institutions, are responsible for external quality assurance and base the activity on European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015) and National Standards and Guidelines in Higher education 2018, part of Albanian Quality code in Higher Education.
Meanwhile, there is not yet a well-established quality evaluation and monitoring system for vocational programs and training, which will implement the whole Guidelines for Quality Assurance, in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). For this reason, is important to make a set of QA standarts for all levels of education system in Albania.